Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Chapter Five

"Doomsday predictions from scientists," National Post, A1, Wed April 04 07

Due to the increase in greenhouse gases and a variety of other factors the global landscape is being rearrange by a climate change that is estimated will ultimately wipe out 30% of all life forms on Earth. Global warming will not only cause twice as many forest fires but the melting permafrost up in the Artic will also cause may people in the world's poorest countries to loose their homes due to rising sea levels. However, because of the melting glaciers and permafrost more shipping will be able to reach the Artic, fewer homeless people will be freezing in the wintertime and farms will be able to expand northward.

Even though the articles is not directly related to GDP or any form of unemployment, the environment on its own does have a strong impact on the economy of a country. If the economy is worsening now then in another fifty years or so businesses will fail because their plants will be shut down due to flood or an outbreak in disease, which is also an effect of global warming. Also, fishieries and lumber mills will have trouble doing business when good lumber starts to become a rarity and fish become extinct. As a result, other industries will be worse off too because economics is much like an ecosystem, one thing effects everything else. For example, provinces such as Newfoundland whose economy and GDP almost entirely depends on their fishing industry will suffer the most from a decreasing number of fishes in the ocean.

Even though environment may not be seen as an economic indicator it may suggest how well the economy may be doing in the future. This is another reason when everyone should work together in an effort to conserve or environment. It is not enough that Prime Ministers and Presidents meet to discuss the topic or what they could do because for all these talks to be of any use prevention measures must be put in place. Therefore, I think while GDP and the Unemployment Rate might be a good economic measure for the economics of today, environment is also a factor economists must consider when they are trying to predict the economies of the future.


Blogger cindyyeung12 said...

Yes, I agree. Global warming and pollution in the environment not only drive many people out of their homes, it also affects the economy. Global warming being one of the greatest issues in the news nowadays, the government already stepped up and trying to slow down global warming by making transit passes creditable in the federal tax. If more people ride transit instead of driving their own cars, there will be less pollution and slow down global warming.

9:21 AM  

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